Researching Blockchain Technology and its Usefulness in Higher Education


Shankar Subramanian Iyer1, Arumugam Seetharaman2 and Bhanu Ranjan2, 1S.P. Jain School of Global Management, Dubai, 2S P Jain School of Global Management, Singapore


The current paper focuses on the potential of using Blockchain Technology (BCT) in the Higher Education Domain and explores its usefulness in solving Higher Education issues. This research discusses the Blockchain features, challenges and its benefits in education, followed by review of some current Blockchain Higher Education applications. This paper reviews the Blockchain Technology (BCT) and its implementation in Higher Education. This research used a quantitative methodology and stratified clustered simple random sampling approach. Data has been gathered through an online survey instrument and the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique applied to 383 responses. Blockchain technology has its unique features, benefits that can solve Education system requirements, and its successful implementation issues discussed. An effort made to gather enough consensus to build future implementation. The integrated model of Blockchain features matched to the needs of the Education System by agreement of the experts (discussions), and a survey conducted involving the students, teachers, educationists, Blockchain experts, and professionals, is tested and validated by SEM using PLS.


Blockchain Technology (BCT), Higher Education Implementation, Higher Education Domain, Higher Education Management, Higher Education Technology, Structural Equation Model.

Full Text  Volume 11, Number 12