How to use Classical Operation in Digital Bits to Simulate Quantum Bits for the RSA Cryptosystem


Jun-Ya Wang1, Xui-Chengn Chang2 and Hung-Ju Wang3, 1National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 3Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection, Taiwan


In quantum algorithm, the Shor's algorithm can find prime decomposition of very big numbers easily and break RSA encryption much faster and more efficiently than in the classical case. How to complicant the public key to slow down the speed and efficiency of Shor's algorithm to secure our RSA encryption scheme is main issue in this study. By using classical random simulation to operation as quantum bits to complicate the RSA cryptosystem, even Shor's algorithm can not to find prime decomposition of very big numbers n with qubits random simulation easily.


Encryption, Decryption, Key, Quantum bits, Simulation

Full Text  Volume 13, Number 13