Evaluating and Improving Context Attention Distribution on Multi-Turn response generation using Self-Contained Distractions


Yujie Xing and Jon Atle Gulla, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway


Despite the rapid progress of open-domain generation-based conversational agents, most deployed systems treat dialogue contexts as single-turns, while systems dealing with multi-turn contexts are less studied. There is a lack of a reliable metric for evaluating multi-turn modelling, as well as an effective solution for improving it. In this paper, we focus on an essential component of multi-turn generation-based conversational agents: context attention distribution, i.e. how systems distribute their attention on dialogue’s context. For evaluation of this component, We introduce a novel attention-mechanism-based metric: DAS ratio. To improve performance on this component, we propose an optimization strategy that employs selfcontained distractions. Our experiments on the Ubuntu chatlogs dataset show that models with comparable perplexity can be distinguished by their ability on context attention distribution. Our proposed optimization strategy improves both non-hierarchical and hierarchical models on the proposed metric by about 10% from baselines.


Natural Language Processing, Response Generation, Dialogue System, Conversational Agent, Multi-Turn Dialogue System.

Full Text  Volume 13, Number 2