A Smart Color Resolution Assist System with Augmented Reality Glasses for Colorblind Patients based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Anzhuo Zheng1 and Andrew Park2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


Color blindness impacts 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women, with an estimated 300 million people having the deficiency [1]. There is a growing need for better and more accessible technologies that can help people with color blindness go about their day without being hindered by their condition. We propose creating colorblind glasses assisted by AI technology created from easily accessible parts that can help them identify important objects as well as labeling what color they are. Our prototype consists of a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W along with an I2C display and camera to power a wearable that feeds the camera feed to our custom AI model which then labels and annotates the frames before showing the result to the user who is looking at the display [2]. Achieving this required us to resolve a variety of challenges such as properly setting up and connecting the display while also being fast and efficient for the sake of power consumption and performance as well as creating custom cron jobs to automate as much of the experience as possible to make the experience more seamless. Experimental testing of the AI in a variety of settings show promising results, however there is still an issue when it comes to certain objects as well as a general tendency to have a notable degree of false negatives [3]. We believe that assistive technologies in a format like ours is important for people with colorblindness as it will help them avoid unnecessary confusion and help them in their daily lives.


Color Blindness, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 10