An Insight into the Immune System and its Mathematical Models Relating to Cyber Defense Systems


Manfred Sneps-Sneppe1, Dace Pjanova2 and Maksims Marinaki3, 1Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Latvia, 2Riga Stradins University, Latvia, 3University of Latvia, Latvia


The article has two goals: to attract the interest of mathematicians to immunology and to look for ideas for Cyber Defense Systems considering the human immune system as a highly sophisticated defense system against any dangers. An overview of the role of lymphocytes in the immune system (IS), the main IS models, and a few tips for IS mathematical modeling are given. As a future work in immunology, melanoma is considered, and relating to cyber defense the experience of the U.S. Army Cyber Command is mentioned.


Immune System, Mathematical Modeling, Melanoma, Cyber Defense System

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 14