A Real-Time Bike Training Simulation System to Enhance User Engagement and Performance using Friction Generators, Firebase, and Unity


Ziwei Yang1 and Tyler Boulom2, 1China, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


Integrating physical exercise with digital entertainment presents unique challenges, particularly in accurately translating real-world cycling into virtual simulations [6]. This project aims to bridge this gap by using a bike friction generator, current sensor, and Adafruit ESP Feather microcontroller to capture real-time cycling data, which is then transmitted to Firebase and synchronized with a Unity-based simulation [7]. Key technologies include real-time data acquisition, transmission, and virtual simulation. Challenges such as data latency and hardware calibration were addressed through optimized protocols and robust calibration systems. Experimentation involved diverse scenarios, demonstrating high accuracy, minimal latency, and enhanced user engagement. The results indicate that our system provides an immersive and accessible fitness experience, making it a viable alternative to expensive specialized equipment. This innovative approach not only promotes physical activity but also offers an engaging and realistic training environment, highlighting its potential for broad application in fitness and entertainment sectors.


User engagement, Unity, Real-Time Simulation, Interactive training systems

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 14