Dataflexor: An Efficient Data Management Application using Fire Base and Advanced AI Models


WeichuanChen1 and YuSun2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


This paper presents the development and evaluation of Dataflexor, a streamlined data management application designed to enhance efficiency in professional environments [1]. The application integrates Firebase services for user authentication and real-time data synchronization, as well as advanced language models like ChatGPT and Gemini for enhanced functionality [2]. Several challenges were addressed during development, including API integration, latency issues, and user data privacy [3]. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of Firebase Cloud Functions and the response times of integrated APIs under varying traffic conditions [4]. The results revealed that while the application performs well under normal usage, significant performance drops occur during peak loads, indicating areas for further optimization. The study concludes that, with improvements in customization options, workflow optimization, and backend scalability, Dataflexor has the potential to become a powerful tool for professionals, offering both efficiency and flexibility in data management tasks [5].


Data Management, AI Integration, Cloud Functions, Real-Time Data Synchronization, Workflow Optimization

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 19