A Holistic Insight Into the Privacy & Security of Cloud-Based Computing Approach on Healthcare Information Management Systems in the United States – A Grounded Theory Approach


Foday Junior Conteh, Marymount University, USA


Cloud computing (CC) represents a significant technological advancement in the United States (U.S.) healthcare. Despite its advantages like reduced costs, scalability, resource sharing, and high availability, CC raises concerns, especially in privacy and security. This study employs Grounded Theory methodology to delve into these concerns within cloud-based Healthcare Information Management Systems (HIMS) in the U.S., which operates under stringent patient privacy and security laws. The research focuses on healthcare organizations' strategies to mitigate these challenges. In-depth interviews and document analysis, conducted using a qualitative research strategy, will gather data from healthcare professionals and Information Technology (I.T.) specialists interacting with cloud-based HIMS. Through thematic analysis and constant comparison, the research will construct a theoretical framework showcasing CC's impact on HIMS privacy and security. This framework will establish a basis for subsequent research to improve U.S. healthcare delivery by directing organizations to adopt and implement cloud-based HIMS compliant with U.S. data privacy regulations.


Cloud Computing, Privacy, Security, Health Information Management Systems (HIMS), Grounded Theory Methodology.

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 1