A Mobile Application to Assist in Reporting and Cleaning Spots of Ocean Litters using Machine Learning


Xiaoming Zhang1 and Tiancheng Xu2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


This paper addresses the critical issue of ocean pollution, a growing environmental challenge exacerbated by the accumulation of plastic waste in marine ecosystems [4]. Ocean trash not only poses a significant threat to marine life but also impacts human health through the consumption of contaminated seafood. To tackle this problem, we propose a mobile application designed to mobilize community efforts towards ocean cleanup activities [5]. The app leverages cloud databases for real-time information sharing, machine learning models for predicting ocean trash accumulation, and Google Maps for location services, facilitating efficient and targeted cleanup operations [6]. Key challenges included ensuring the reliability of user-generated reports and optimizing the app for user-friendly navigation towards cleanup spots. Solutions such as implementing user report validation mechanisms and sorting cleanup locations by proximity were integrated to enhance the app's functionality. Experimentation across various scenarios demonstrated the app's potential to significantly increase community engagement in ocean conservation efforts. The application represents a novel approach to environmental preservation, combining technology and community action. Its success in mobilizing users towards meaningful environmental impact underscores its value as a tool for global ocean conservation efforts, making it a significant asset for individuals and organizations committed to safeguarding marine ecosystems [7].


Mobile APP, Machine Learning, Database, Google Map API

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 5