Analysis of Bayes, Neural Network and Tree Classifier of Classification Technique in Data Mining using WEKA


Yugal kumar1 and G. Sahoo2, 1Hindu College of Engineering, India and 2Birla Institute of Technology, India


In today’s world, gigantic amount of data is available in science, industry, business and many other areas. This data can provide valuable information which can be used by management for making important decisions. But problem is that how can find valuable information. The answer is data mining. Data Mining is popular topic among researchers. There is lot of work that cannot be explored till now. But, this paper focuses on the fundamental concept of the Data mining i.e. Classification Techniques. In this paper BayesNet, NavieBayes, NavieBayes Uptable, Multilayer perceptron, Voted perceptron and J48 classifiers are used for the classification of data set. The performance of these classifiers analyzed with the help of Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean-Squared Error and Time Taken to build the model and the result can be shown statistical as well as graphically. For this purpose the WEKA data mining tool is used.


BayesNet, J48, Mean Absolute Error, NavieBayes, Root Mean-Squared Error

Full Text  Volume 2, Number 2