Image Encryption Using Permutation and Rotational XOR Technique


Avi Dixit, Pratik Dhruve and Dahale Bhagwan, Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, India


Encryption is used to securely transmit data in open networks. Each type of data has its own features, therefore different techniques should be used to protect confidential image data from unauthorized access. Most of the available encryption algorithms are mainly used for textual data and may not be suitable for multimedia data such as images. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm. The binary code of the pixel values of a colour image is extracted and permuted according to the entered 8 bit key which is followed by the permutation of every 8 consecutive pixels [4]. The image is further divided into blocks which are shifted accordingly. The above mentioned technique has a few drawbacks, like the small key size. To further enforce the encryption another method is appended to it which requires a 43 digit key. The encryption takes a total of 10 rounds in which two keys are use, both of which are derived from the 43 digit entered key. The results showed that the correlation between image elements was significantly decreased by using the proposed technique.


Image, Encryption and Permutation.

Full Text  Volume 2, Number 3