Privacy in Cloud Computing : A Survey


Arockiam L1, Parthasarathy G2 and Monikandan S3, 1St.Joseph's College, India, 2TRP Engineering College, India and 3ManonmaniamSundaranar University, India


Various cloud computing models are used to increase the profit of an organization. Cloud provides a convenient environment and more advantages to business organizations to run their business. But, it has some issues related to the privacy of data. User’s data are stored and maintained out of user’s premises. The failure of data protection causes many issues like data theft which affects the individual organization. The cloud users may be satisfied, if their data are protected properly from unauthorized access. This paper presents a survey on different privacy issues involved in the cloud service. It also provides some suggestions to the cloud users to select their suitable cloud services by knowing their privacy policies.


Cloud computing,Security,Privacy

Full Text  Volume 2, Number 3