Multiple User Interfaces and Crossplatform User Experience : Theoretical Foundations


Khalid Majrashi, Margaret Hamilton and Alexandra L. Uitdenbogerd, RMIT University, Australia


Evaluating the user experience of cross-platform interactive systems has become a research issue of increasing importance. There is a lack of clear concepts and definitions for testing, evaluating or even teaching cross-platform user experience. In this paper, we review the actual meanings and interpretations of different concepts in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) relevant to cross-platform service usage. We also investigate the traditional definitions of usability and user experience before extending them to develop precise definitions for cross-platform usability and user experience. Our paper builds on existing theories to establish the theoretical foundations that can help us better conceptualise cross-platform user experience evaluation.


Cross-platform, User Experience, Usability, Multiple User Interfaces

Full Text  Volume 5, Number 2