Quick Pad Tagger : An Efficient Graphical User Interface for Building Annotated Corpora with Multiple Annotation Layers


Marc Schreiber1, Kai Barkschat1, Bodo Kraft1 and Albert Zundorf2, 1University of Applied Sciences, Germany and 2University of Kassel, Germany


More and more domain specific applications in the internet make use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools (e. g. Information Extraction systems). The output quality of these applications relies on the output quality of the used NLP tools. Often, the quality can be increased by annotating a domain specific corpus. However, annotating a corpus is a time consuming and exhaustive task. To reduce the an


Natural Language Processing, Language Resources, Annotated Corpora, Annotation Layers, Annotation Speed, Graphical User Interface

Full Text  Volume 5, Number 4