Android Application to Extract the Statistics of an HPC Cluster


S.Chakraborty, Miraz Nabi Azad, Sourav Sen, Pritomrit Bora Aditya Singh, Bipal Das and Mohd.Tabeesh Noori, NIT Silchar, India


As the number of HPC systems across the globe is booming at a rapid pace. The task of system administration is turning out to be tedious. Using a computer for every petty work can be cumbersome. In recent times there has been a paradigm shift from PC to mobile on a rapid scale. So a need has risen for such paradigm shift in system administration too. To solve this problem, an android application has been developed which allows the admin to monitor the system statistics remotely using his cellphone.


Android, Eclipse, Java, JSCH, SSH, IPMI.

Full Text  Volume 5, Number 5