A Comparative Overview to DTC For PMSM Driven Pure Electric Vehicles


Fatih Korkmaz, Çankiri Karatekin University, Turkey


For many industrial applications that including electric motor, selecting of the appropriate motor type is keypoint for the application success and efficiency. This paper presents a comparative performance evaluation between direct torque controlled Brushless AC and Brushless DC motors which have been considered as traction motor on electric vehicles. Moreover, a short review to brushless AC and brushless DC motor technology and vector driver systems are also included. The main structure of the direct torque control method is presented and small-scale pure electric vehicle model is integrated to the motor control model. To make a fair comparison, the brushless AC and brushless DC motors modeled as having the same electrical parameters and simulated with same control model parameters. The simulation studies have shown that direct torque controlled brushless AC and brushless DC motors have similar performance as vehicle traction motor, and both motor types can be considered as a good candidate for electric vehicles applications.


PMSM motors, BLAC motor control, BLDC motor control, Electric vehicles, Direct Torque Control

Full Text  Volume 6, Number 5