Efficient Approach for Content Based Image Retrieval Using Multiple SVM in YACBIR


Lakhdar LAIB and Samy Ait-Aoudia, National High School of Computer Science ESI, Algeria


Due to the enormous increase in image database sizes, the need for an image search and indexing tool is crucial. Content-based image retrieval systems (CBIR) have become very popular for browsing, searching and retrieving images in different fields including web based searching, industry inspection, satellite images, medical diagnosis images, etc. The challenge, however, is in designing a system that returns a set of relevant images i.e. if the query image represents a horse then the first images returned from a large image dataset must return horse images as first responses. In this paper, we have combined YACBIR [7], a CBIR that relies on color, texture and points of interest and Multiple Support Vector Machines Ensemble to reduce the existing gap between high-level semantic and low-level descriptors and enhance the performance of retrieval by minimize the empirical classification error and maximize the geometric margin classifiers. The experimental results show that the method proposed reaches high recall and precision.


Content Based Image Retrieval, YACBIR, Feature extraction, Multiple Support Vector Machines, Classification

Full Text  Volume 6, Number 8