Access Network Improvement for a WLAN Based on 802.1X and CAPsMAN Protocols


Fabian Cuzme-Rodriguez1, Carlos Pupiales-Yepez1, Mauricio Dominguez-Limaico1, Carlos Bosmediano-Cardenas1 and Walter Zambrano-Romero2, 1Universidad Tecnica del Norte, Ecuador and 2Universidad Tecnica de Manabí, Ecuador


This article describes the implementation of a method to access to a wireless network based on Radius with Mikrotik equipment. It is applied EAP-TTLS authentication based on open source software to provide AAA services and a LDAP directory to save user’s accounts. This approach allows a better access control and distribution of network resources. As a plus, the work includes the implementation of Mikrotik’s CAPSMAN protocol which enablesa centralized control of all access points (AP) emitting the same SSID. This proposal improves the performance of the network and user ́s experience.


Radius, Mikrotik, EAP-TTLS, 802.1x

Full Text  Volume 8, Number 14