semantic document classification, semantic similarity, semantic embedding, correlation analysis, machine learning


Moussa WITTI and Dimitri KONSTANTAS, University of Geneva, Switzerland


In the era of Internet of Things, data are collected from heterogeneous wireless protocols such as ZigBee, WiFi, RFID, Bluetooth, sub-GHz, Z-Wave, 2G / 3G / 4G form smart sensors to fog and cloud platform. However, the collected data may contains sensitive information, which the owner does not want to be disclosure. Because of IOT architecture based on heterogeneous technologies, ensuring privacy and maintaining security are difficult. How to protect data and preserve privacy over network during end-to- end or hop-to-hop communication? In this paper, we propose an architecture approach for secure and privacy-aware data collection in Fog Node Based Distributed IOT environment.


Internet of Thing, privacy, security, data collection, fog

Full Text  Volume 9, Number 13